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DEC 26. 2022
A great Indian yogi, Paramahamsa Yogananda, in his commentary on the New Testament, said, “In his little human body called Jesus was born the vast Christ Consciousness, the omniscient intelligence of God, omnipresent in every part and particle of creation.” He further s
AUG 03. 2018
We are collectively being faced with more external pressures in the modern world. The pace of work is increasing and we are asked to do more work in less time. If we are not careful in living an orderly life, our stress levels can skyrocket and leave us rattled with an
NOV 21. 2016
Gift giving and philanthropy is a mix of social expectation, personal choice and tradition. They are gestures of fellow feeling. In giving, what kind of a gift is the highest of all? In what manner may it be given? And in choosing a gift, in whose advice may we uncond
SEP 18. 2016
Meditation is a process to create a meditative state within us that manifests our heart’s intrinsic goodness. This expression of goodness makes peace dynamic and life-affirming, and in its wake, brings unity and harmony to this world. Thirty-five years ago, the
MAY 21. 2016
Q: What is the goal ofHeartfulnessmeditation? Where does it lead? KDP: I think goals are set not by the process or by God. Goals are set by individuals. It is up to us what we set, and what we want to achieve through whatever we do. It is not just for spirituality that
APR 28. 2016
In this video, Daajiexplains what is the real meaning of meditation and how we progress on the spiritual path.
MAR 21. 2016
Experience meditation and how to relax Daaji elaborates on the need to experience meditation. He invites you to experiment to feel a 'presence' in your heart, and brings to light a unique feature of Sahaj Marg meditation - Yogic Transmission