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Exploring Spirituality with a Scientific Mindset

AUG 13. 2024

You should not believe in spirituality or any religion blindly. You must experience it yourself. Like a scientist, you must dissect things mercilessly, questioning and doubting the existence of God. There is nothing wrong with this approach. Bridging science and spirituality is essential; we cannot isolate one for the sake of the other.

Balancing Mundane and Spiritual Life

In day-to-day life, focusing solely on material aspects like money and comfort is common. However, preparing our minds and venturing into the spiritual world and emotional well-being is crucial. This preparation helps us change our consciousness. Even if you don't believe in the spiritual world, you can still believe in consciousness and work on refining it.

The Role of Meditation

Meditation plays a significant role in shifting consciousness. Differences in consciousness can be observed in people who meditate and those who don't, especially when hooked up to an FMRI machine. As you dive deeper into meditation, the brain waves change, indicating a deeper state of consciousness. This experience is accessible to anyone interested in studying how meditation affects consciousness.

The Journey of Consciousness

Reaching higher levels of consciousness is like being on a moving train. If the view remains the same, the train isn't moving. Similarly, if each meditation experience is the same, it indicates stagnation. Each meditation should take you to a more refined state of consciousness. At a certain level, even machines like FMRI cannot measure these changes; you must feel and experience them yourself.

Experiencing Different Levels of Spiritual States

With each meditation, you might describe the experience using similar words like peace, love, or compassion. However, the quality of these experiences will differ, belonging to different spectrums or frequencies. This variation highlights the depth and richness of spiritual experiences.

Gratitude for the Life Force

Doubting and questioning the existence of God is natural. Reflect on what keeps you going since birth. This life force within us, which some call divine presence, Godly presence, or soul (Atman in Hinduism), is not outside but within us. Have you ever closed your eyes and expressed gratitude to this life force? Recognizing and being grateful for this entity is crucial. Instead of searching for God outside, look within and acknowledge the life force that sustains us until our last breath.